Serviced container, used ATLAS containers, used airline standard units, used aircraft galley containers - Direct Air Flow

Serviced ATLAS standard containers

Direct Air Flow sources pre-owned, used, and serviced inflight containers. Our serviced inflight containers are in a operational condition prior to shipment.

We carefully source pre-owned, used, and serviced inflight containers to offer economical options for our airline and catering customers.

All pre-owned, used, and serviced equipment is overhauled prior to shipment as needed.

We ensure that all serviced equipment is in operational condition for those airlines looking to purchase serviced inflight containers in a cost effective way.

Serviced container, used ATLAS containers, used airline standard units, used aircraft galley containers - Direct Air Flow

Serviced ATLAS standard container

Direct Air Flow has a selection of serviced inflight containers/standard units ready for immediate dispatch.

Availability is dependent on demand, so we recommend that you contact our sales team at your earliest convenience with your enquiry.

Email: info-airflow@directaviation.aero
Serviced container, used ATLAS containers, used airline standard units, used aircraft galley containers - Direct Air Flow

Used aluminium catering drawers

Direct Air Flow can also supply pre-owned, used aluminium catering drawers. These are fast moving items so we urge you to contact our sales team today.


We offer a choice. Serviced catering equipment in operational condition.

Direct Air Flow sources pre-owned, used, and serviced galley equipment, which we overhaul at our maintenance and repair centre in The Netherlands, as needed.

All of the serviced equipment that we supply to our customers is in operational condition prior to shipment.

We understand the need for choice and ensure that we are always looking out for alternative solutions for you. Our equipment is sourced directly from airlines with surplus equipment, returned leased equipment, or catering companies. 

For airlines/catering companies wishing to personalise the serviced containers, we can offer the option to have your company name added.

Our sales team is here to support you and will carefully consult with you to establish your needs. Please get in touch and request a quotation.

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