Aluflite aluminium drawers can be produced to specification with an embossed logo. Our Aluflite aluminium drawer features side runners with rubber undersides for easy gliding and noise reduction.

Manufactured with high-grade aluminium for maximum durability.
Rubber undersides for easy gliding and noise reduction.
A quality anodised finish.
Product features
Aluflite aluminium drawers feature side runners with rubber undersides for easy gliding and noise reduction. Due to quality focus airlines can be assured that our Aluflite drawers withstand the rigorous daily usage found in aircraft galleys, aviation catering kitchens and during washing cycles.
An additional benefit we offer our aviation customers is our capability to manufacture Aluflite aluminium drawers in different heights.
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High-grade aluminium structure
Aluflite aluminium drawers are manufactured using excellent high-grade aluminium to deliver an aesthetically pleasing product due to the natural anodised standard finish. Korita Aviation always ensures that durability is at the forefront of our manufacturing process, the use of high-grade aluminium delivers excellent durability during inflight service.
Rubber undersides
Korita Aviation has designed the Aluflite aluminium drawer with great attention to detail. A key focus of the design has been in ensuring ease of use by the airline cabin crew. Our rubber undersides ensure easy gliding. An additional benefit is that the rubber undersides also ensure a significant noise reduction in the aircraft cabin during service.
Korita Aviation offers a range of Aluflite aluminium drawers, produced in a lightweight high-grade aluminium. The Aluflite aluminium drawers have options for both single or multiple runners. Airlines can choose to emboss or placard their company logo on the aluminium drawers.
Request a quotation with us today and our dedicated sales team will be in touch with you within one working day.